accept(ComponentVisitor) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
accept(ComponentVisitor, boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
accept(ComponentVisitor) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
accept(ComponentVisitor, boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
accept(ComponentVisitor) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
accept(ComponentVisitor, boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
accept(ComponentVisitor) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.GroupComponent
accept(ComponentVisitor, boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.GroupComponent
accept(ComponentVisitor) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LayerComponent
accept(ComponentVisitor, boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LayerComponent
accept(ComponentVisitor) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
accept(ComponentVisitor, boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
accept(ComponentVisitor) - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.Visitable
Accepts a ComponentVisitor that traverses a document structure tree.
accept(ComponentVisitor, boolean) - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.Visitable
Accepts a ComponentVisitor that traverses a document structure tree in preorder or postorder.
add(DisplayComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
add(ArrayList<? extends DisplayComponent>) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
add(DisplayComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
add(ArrayList<? extends DisplayComponent>) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
add(DisplayComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
Adds a component to children of this component, throws an UnsupportedOperationException if component is terminal.
add(ArrayList<? extends DisplayComponent>) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
Adds all components in a list to this component, throws an UnsupportedOperationException if component is terminal.
add(DisplayComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Adds a component to children() of this component.
add(ArrayList<? extends DisplayComponent>) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Adds all components in a list to this document
add(DisplayComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.GroupComponent
Adds a component to children of this component.
add(ArrayList<? extends DisplayComponent>) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.GroupComponent
Adds all components in a list to this component
add(DisplayComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LayerComponent
Adds a component to children() of this component.
add(ArrayList<? extends DisplayComponent>) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LayerComponent
Adds all components in a list to this document
add(DisplayComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
add(ArrayList<? extends DisplayComponent>) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
addBlackWhiteGray() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Adds black, white and gray to the palette.
addColor(RGBColor) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Transforms an RGBColor to a 32-bit int and adds it to the colorSet of this Palette.
addColor(CMYKColor) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Transforms a CMYKColor to a 32-bit int and adds it to the colorSet of this Palette.
addColor(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Adds a Processing color to the colorSet of this Palette.
addColors(ArrayList<Integer>) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Adds colors in argbColors to the colorSet of this Palette.
addColors(int[]) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Adds colors in argbColors to the colorSet of this Palette.
AIFileWriter - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Provides a useful subset of Adobe Illustrator 7.0 file tags.
AIFileWriter() - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
alignment() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
angle() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezLine
append(Vertex2DINF) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Appends a Vertex2DINF to this BezShape
append(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Appends a BezVertex (cubic Bˇzier segment) to this BezShape.
append(float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Appends a LineVertex (line segment) to this BezShape.
area(int[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
outputs area of polygon, negative if vertices are in CCW order.
area(float[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
outputs area of polygon, negative if vertices are in CCW order.
area(double[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
outputs area of polygon, negative if vertices are in CCW order.
argbComponents(int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Breaks a Processing color into A, R, G and B values in an array.
asPolygon(PApplet, int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Extracts an approximated polygon from path data, returning it as an array of floats.
asPolygon(PApplet) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Extracts an approximated polygon from path data.
asPolygon(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
asPolygon() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape


b() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.RGBColor
backward(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Moves the turtle in the direction opposite to the current direction (i.e., -turtle angle) by a specified distance.
beginLayer(String, int, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes begin layer operator "%AI5_BeginLayer" and various parameters to output.
beginLayer(String, int, boolean, boolean, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes begin layer operator "%AI5_BeginLayer" and various parameters to output.
beginPalette(PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes open palette tag and opening tags of color list to output.
BezCircle - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Provides factory methods to create a closed circular shape.
bezCircle(PApplet, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Deprecated. Call factory methods in the returned class instead.
BezCurve - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Provides factory methods to construct a single Bezier curve.
bezCurve(PApplet, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Deprecated. Call factory methods in the returned class instead.
BezCurveShape - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Provides factory methods to construct a closed path consisting of Bezier curves.
bezCurveShape(PApplet, float[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Deprecated. Call factory methods in the returned class instead.
BezEllipse - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Provides factory methods to construct a closed elliptical BezShape.
bezEllipse(PApplet, float, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Deprecated. Call factory methods in the returned class instead.
BezLine - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Provides factory methods to construct and operate on a straight line.
bezLine(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Deprecated. Call factory methods in the returned class instead.
BezMultiCurve - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Provides factory methods to create an open path consisting of multiple Bezier curves.
bezMultiCurve(PApplet, float[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Deprecated. Call factory methods in the returned class instead.
BezMultiLine - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Provides factory methods to construct an open path consisting of multiple straight lines.
bezMultiLine(PApplet, float[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Deprecated. Call factory methods in the returned class instead.
BezPoly - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Provides factory methods to construct a closed polygonal path consisting of straight line segments.
bezPoly(PApplet, float[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Deprecated. Call factory methods in the returned class instead.
BezRectangle - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Provides factory methods to create and operate on closed rectangular shapes.
bezRectangle(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Deprecated. Call factory methods in the returned class instead.
BezRegularPoly - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Provides factory methods to construct a regular polygonal shape consisting of straight lines.
bezRegularPoly(PApplet, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Deprecated. Call factory methods in the returned class instead.
BezShape - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Implements shapes composed of cubic Bezier curves and lines and methods to draw geometry to a display, perform geometric transforms, and write geometry to an Adobe Illustrator 7.0 file format.
BezShape(PApplet, float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Creates a BezShape with initial point x,y, closed or open according to the value of isClosed.
BezShape(PApplet) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Creates a closed shape with initial point 0,0 Fill, stroke, and weight of shapes are set from their values in the Processing environment.
BezShape(PApplet, float, float) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Creates a closed shape with initial point x,y.
BezShape(PApplet, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Creates a closed BezShape with initial point ax1, ay1, and appends a curve segment.
BezShape(PApplet, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Creates a BezShape with initial point ax1, ay1, and appends a curve segment.
BezShape() - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Creates a closed shape with initial point 0,0, obtains parent PApplet from initialized IgnoCodeLib, which must be correctly initialized in setup.
BezShape(float, float) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Creates a closed shape with initial point x,y, obtains parent PApplet from initialized IgnoCodeLib, which must be correctly initialized in setup.
BezShape(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Creates a closed BezShape with initial point ax1, ay1, and appends a curve segment, obtains parent PApplet from initialized IgnoCodeLib.
BezShape(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Creates a BezShape with initial point ax1, ay1, and appends a curve segment, obtains parent PApplet from initialized IgnoCodeLib.
BezShape.BezType - Enum in net.paulhertz.aifile
bezTriangle(PApplet, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Deprecated. Call factory methods in the returned class instead.
bezTriangle(PApplet, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Deprecated. Call factory methods in the returned class instead.
BezTriangle - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Provides factory methods to create and operate on a triangular shape.
bezType - Variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
bezType() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
BezVertex - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Provides storage for a cubic Bezier curves's control points and terminal anchor point.
BezVertex(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
BezVertex() - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
initializes all points to 0,0
bounds(PApplet) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
returns array of floats with top, left, bottom, right coordinates of bounding box These are an approximation based on the derived polygon, accuracy can be improved by first calling asPolygon with an argument greater than the default of 16 segments per curve.
bounds() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
returns array of floats with top, left, bottom, right coordinates of bounding box These are an approximation based on the derived polygon, accuracy can be improved by first calling asPolygon with an argument greater than the default of 16 segments per curve.
bounds() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BoundsCalculationVisitor
BoundsCalculationVisitor - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Implements the ComponentVisitor interface to calculate the bounding rectangle of all geometry visited.
boundsRect() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Returns the bounding rectangle of this shape.


c() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CMYKColor
calcGauss(double, double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
Returns a Gaussian variable using standard algorithm from Crandall, Pascal Applications for the Sciences
calculateCenter() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Sets the center of transformation to the center of the bounding rectangle of this shape.
centerVertex() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
children() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Returns empty list: this is a terminal node, with no children.
children() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
children() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
children() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
clamp(double, double, double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
clamps input v to the specified range from l to h
clamp(float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
clamps input v to the specified range from l to h
clear() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Clears all trails, both those saved in turtleTrails and the current trail.
clearStack() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Clears the turtleStack of all stored states.
clone() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Creates a deep copy of this BezShape.
clone() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
clone() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LineVertex
clone() - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.Vertex2DINF
CLOSE - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Binary flag for closed path operators.
CLOSED_FILLED - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Closed and filled path operator.
CLOSED_FILLED_STROKED - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Closed, filled, and stroked path operator.
CLOSED_STROKED - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Closed and stroked path operator.
closeGroup(PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes a close group operator "U" to output.
cmyk2int(CMYKColor) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Converts a CMYKColor to a Processing color.
cmyk2rgb(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.RGBColor
Uses the standard quick and dirty direct transform of CMYK to RGB.
cmyk2rgb(double[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.RGBColor
Uses the standard quick and dirty direct transform of CMYK to RGB.
cmyk2rgb(CMYKColor) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.RGBColor
Uses the standard quick and dirty direct transform of CMYK to RGB.
CMYKColor - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Provides storage and conversion utilities for CMYK colors.
CMYKColor(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.CMYKColor
Instantiates a CMYK color from c, m, y and k components represented as doubles in the range 0..1
CMYKColor(double[]) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.CMYKColor
Instantiates a CMYK color
CMYKColor() - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.CMYKColor
Instantiates a CMYK color with all components set to 0 (i.e., white)
ColorableINF - Interface in net.paulhertz.aifile
colorPermutation(int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Returns all unique permutations of the color channels of a supplied color.
compIsFound() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.FindComponentWithIDVisitor
complement(int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Returns the complement of a color.
componentBounds(DisplayComponent) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BoundsCalculationVisitor
ComponentVisitor - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Abstract class for concrete Visitors to classes that implement the Visitable interface.
ComponentVisitor() - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.ComponentVisitor
composeColor(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Creates a Processing ARGB color from r, g, b, and alpha channel values.
composeColor(int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Creates a Processing ARGB color from a grayscale value.
contains(BezRectangle, BezRectangle) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
Determines if one rectangle contains another rectangle
contains(BezRectangle) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
Determines if this rectangle contains a specified rectangle.
containsPoint(float, float, BezRectangle) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
containsPoint(float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
containsPoint(PApplet, float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Tests if a point is inside this shape by generating a polygon approximation to curved paths and testing that.
containsPoint(float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
coords() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
coords() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LineVertex
coords() - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.Vertex2DINF
copyMatrix3(Matrix3, Matrix3) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Copies one matrix to another matrix.
copyMatrix3(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Copies one matrix to another matrix.
copyState(TurtleState) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.TurtleState
currentDate() - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
CURVE_SEGMENT - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
flag for curve segment type, associated with BezVertex
curveIterator() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Returns an iterator over the geometry of this shape.
curves() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Returns the geometry of this shape as an ArrayList.
curvesCopy() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Returns a copy of the geometry of this shape as an ArrayList.
CustomComponent - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Permits the addition of arbitrary, non-printing, custom information to file output.
CustomComponent() - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
PApplet used for calls to the Processing environment is obtained from IgnoCodeLib, which must be correctly initialized in setup.
CustomComponent(PApplet) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
CustomComponent(PApplet, String, String) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
customObject(String, String, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes a user-defined custom object to the file, in the format / () XT, to output.
cx1() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
cx2() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
cy1() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
cy2() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex


DisplayComponent - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
The base class for all components.
DisplayComponent() - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
distance() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezLine
distSquared(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
finds squared distance between two points
distSquared(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
finds squared distance between two points
DocumentComponent - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Handles the root level of the document hierarchy.
DocumentComponent() - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
PApplet used for calls to the Processing environment is obtained from IgnoCodeLib, which must be correctly initialized in setup.
DocumentComponent(PApplet) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
DocumentComponent(PApplet, String) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
DocumentComponent(String) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
PApplet reference is obtained from initialized IgnoCodeLib.
draw() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Draws this shape to the display.
draw(PGraphics) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Draws this shape to an offscreen PGraphics.
draw(PApplet) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
draw(PGraphics) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
draw() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
draw(PGraphics) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
draw() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
Draws geometry or text to the Processing window.
draw(PGraphics) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
Draws a component to a supplied PGraphics.
draw() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
draw(PGraphics) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
draw() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.GroupComponent
draw(PGraphics) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.GroupComponent
draw() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LayerComponent
draw(PGraphics) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LayerComponent
draw(PApplet) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LineVertex
draw(PGraphics) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LineVertex
draw() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
draw(PGraphics) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
draw() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Draws all trails, both those saved in turtleTrails and the current trail, to the display.
draw(PGraphics) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Draws all trails, both those saved in turtleTrails and the current trail, to an instonce of PGraphics used as an offscreen buffer.
draw(PApplet) - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.Vertex2DINF
Draws a path to the display.
draw(PGraphics) - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.Vertex2DINF
Draws a path to an offscreen buffer.
drawCurrent() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Draws the current trail only to the display.
drawQuick() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Draws this shape to the display.


endLayer(PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes end layer operator "LB" to output.
endPalette(PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes closing color list tags and close palette tag to output.


FILL - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Binary flag for filled path operators.
fillColor() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
fillColor() - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.ColorableINF
fillColor() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
fillColor() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
fillColor() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns the fill color of the current trail.
fillOpacity() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
fillOpacity() - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.ColorableINF
fillOpacity() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
fillOpacity() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
fillOpacity() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns opacity component of current fill color, in the range 0..255.
FindComponentWithIDVisitor - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
fontname() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
forward(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Moves the turtle in the current direction (turtle angle) by a specified distance.
fourPlaces - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
A number formatter: call fourPlaces.format(Number) to return a String with four decimal places.


g() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.RGBColor
gauss() - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
Returns a Gaussian variable using Java library call to Random.nextGaussian.
gauss(double, double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
Returns a Gaussian variable using a Java library call to Random.nextGaussian.
GeomUtils - Class in net.paulhertz.geom
Provides static methods for basic geometric transforms.
get(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
get(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
get(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
Returns the component at index from the children of this component, throws an UnsupportedOperationException if component is terminal.
get(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
get(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Gets trail (BezShape) at suppled index.
getAITransform() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Creates a transform to go from Processing coordinate system to Illustrator coordinate system.
getAnchorCenter(BezShape) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Returns the average of all anchor points of the vertices of this shape.
getAngle(float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
Given dx and dy displacements on x axis and y axis, returns the angle of rotation, measured counterclockwise from 0 in Cartesian system, in radians.
getAngle(double, double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
getArea() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
getBbox() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Returns the bounding box of this document.
getBottom() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
getBottomRight() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
getBoundsCenter() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Returns the center of the bounding rectangle of this shape as a LineVertex.
getCenterPoint() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
getColor(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
getColorIndex() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LayerComponent
Returns the color index.
getColors() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Returns the colors in the colorSet of this Palette as an array of integers.
getColorSet() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Returns the internal storage for colors.
getCoords() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezLine
getCoords() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
getCoords() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Returns an array of all vertex coordinates.
getCreator() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Returns the document creator, used in the document header.
getCtm() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Returns a copy of the most recent transformation matrix.
getCTM() - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Returns a copy of the internal matrix of this Matrix3.
getCurrentTrail() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
getDefaultLayer() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Returns the default layer.
getDiagonalLength() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
getElements() - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Returns a copy of the internal matrix of this Matrix3 as a 3x3 array.
getFont() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
getFoundComp() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.FindComponentWithIDVisitor
getGeoCenter() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Returns the average of the x- and y-coordinates of this shape as a LineVertex.
getHeader(String) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Returns an abbreviated Adobe Illustrator header as a String
getHeader(String, String, String, int, int, Rectangle) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Creates an abbreviated Adobe Illustrator header with user-supplied arguments and returns it as a String.
getHeight() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
getHeight() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Returns the height (in points) this document will have when exported.
getIdToFind() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.FindComponentWithIDVisitor
getIndex() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BoundsCalculationVisitor
getLeft() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
getMatrix(PApplet) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Captures a transformation matrix from a PApplet, for later use.
getMaxTrails() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
getName() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LayerComponent
Returns the namd of this layer.
getObjectType() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
getOrg() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Returns the org (organization), used in the document header.
getPalette() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Returns the palette associated with this document.
getPerm() - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.Permutator
Returns the permutation array.
getPermCopy() - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.Permutator
Returns a copy of the permutation array: call this if you feel the urge to modify the array.
getRight() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
getSize() - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.Permutator
getStarCoords(float, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezPoly
Returns geometry of a star as an array of float.
getState() - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Creates Adobe Illustrator 3.0 initial graphics state and returns it as a String.
getTitle() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Returns the document title, used in the document header.
getTop() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
getTopLeft() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
getTrailer() - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Creates an Adobe Illustrator 3.0 abbreviated trailer and returns it as a String.
getTrailIndex() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
getTrails() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns a GroupComponent with all the trails created by this Turtle instance.
getTurtleAngle() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns the current turtle angle.
getTurtleAngle() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.TurtleState
getTurtleStack() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns the turtle stack, an array of turtle states.
getTurtleTrails() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns the list of all stored turtle trails, not including the current trail if it is still being draw (i.e., no penUp() command has been issued to store it).
getTurtleVector() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns current turtle angle as a normalized PVector
getTurtleX() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns x-coordinate of turtle location.
getTurtleX() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.TurtleState
getTurtleY() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns y-coordinate of turtle location.
getTurtleY() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.TurtleState
getWidth() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
getWidth() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Returns the width (in points) of this document will have when exported.
GroupComponent - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Groups together geometry (BezShape), text (PointText) and nested groups within a layer or another group.
GroupComponent() - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.GroupComponent
PApplet used for calls to the Processing environment is obtained from IgnoCodeLib, which must be correctly initialized in setup.
GroupComponent(PApplet) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.GroupComponent


hasFill() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
hasFill() - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.ColorableINF
hasFill() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
hasFill() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns true if current trail is filled, false otherwise.
hasStroke() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
hasStroke() - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.ColorableINF
hasStroke() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
hasStroke() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns true if the current trail is stroked.
hide() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
Sets the isVisible attribute of this component to true.
hide() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Gets ready to hide the visible representation of the turtle on the next draw command.
home() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
returns the turtle to its original position with a turtle angle of 0 (facing right).


id() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
IgnoCodeLib - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
IgnoCodeLib library initializer, library information source.
IgnoCodeLib(PApplet) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.IgnoCodeLib
Constructor, usually called in the setup() method in your sketch to initialize and start the library.
initCTM() - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Sets the internal matrix of this CTM to the unit matrix.
initMatrix3(Matrix3) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Initializes a matrix (Matrix3) to the unit matrix.
initMatrix3(double[][]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Initializes a matrix (3x3 array) to the unit matrix.
initMatxGlobals() - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
High level method to initialize internal matrix to unit matrix.
initPerm() - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.Permutator
Initializes the permutation array to integer values from 0 to size - 1.
initTurtleState() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.TurtleState
inset(float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
Returns a rectangle inset by the specified values.
int2rgb(int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Converts a Processing color to an RGBColor.
intersect(BezRectangle) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
Calculates the intersection of this rectangle with a supplied rectangle, returns the result as a rectangle.
isAligned() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
isClosed() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
isClosed() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns current value of isClosed, true if current trail is a closed shape.
isEmpty() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns true if there are no shapes stored in turtleTrails array.
isFull() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns true if maximum number of trails have been stored in turtleTrails array.false otherwise.
isLocked() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
isLocked() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
isNeedsUpdate() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
convenience method to allow you to check the need for an update, which you set earlier
isNormalCTM() - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Checks whether the internal matrix of this Matrix3 is normal, sets gIsNormal.
isNormalMatrix3(Matrix3) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Checks whether a matrix is normal (column 3 is 0 0 1).
isNormalMatrix3(double[][]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Checks whether a matrix is normal (column 3 is 0 0 1).
isPenDown() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns true if the pen is down (ready to draw), false otherwise.
isPenDown() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.TurtleState
isTerminal() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Returns true: this is a terminal component.
isTerminal() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
isTerminal() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
isTerminal() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
isTerminal() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.GroupComponent
isTerminal() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LayerComponent
isTerminal() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
isTurtleVisible() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns true if turtle is visible, false otherwise.
isTurtleVisible() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.TurtleState
isVerbose() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Returns true if debugging information is requested.
isVisible() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
isVisible() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
iterator() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
iterator() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
iterator() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
Returns an iterator over children, throws an UnsupportedOperationException if component is terminal.
iterator() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
iterator() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns an iterator over the stored turtle trails.


k() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CMYKColor
KAPPA - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
KAPPA = (distance between Bezier anchor and its associated control point) / (circle radius) when a circle is divided into 4 sectors of 90 degrees.


LayerComponent - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Instantiates a Layer component, immediately below the document (root) level.
LayerComponent(String, int) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.LayerComponent
PApplet used for calls to the Processing environment is obtained from IgnoCodeLib, which must be correctly initialized in setup.
LayerComponent(PApplet, String, int) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.LayerComponent
LayerComponent(PApplet) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.LayerComponent
LayerComponent() - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.LayerComponent
PApplet used for calls to the Processing environment is obtained from IgnoCodeLib, which must be correctly initialized in setup.
LayerComponent(PApplet, String) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.LayerComponent
LayerComponent(String) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.LayerComponent
PApplet used for calls to the Processing environment is obtained from IgnoCodeLib, which must be correctly initialized in setup.
leading() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
left(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Turns the turtle to the left (counterclockwise) a specified number of radians from its current direction (turtle angle).
lerp(double, double, double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
Interpolates a value within a range.
lerp(double, double, double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
Interpolates a value within a range.
lerp(float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
Interpolates a value within a range.
LINE_SEGMENT - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
flag for line segment type, associated with LineVertex
LineVertex - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Stores a line vertex consisting of a single point.
LineVertex(float, float) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.LineVertex
LineVertex() - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.LineVertex
listToString(ArrayList<Integer>) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.util.Permutator
Converts elements in the supplied permutation to a string.
listToString(int[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.util.Permutator
Converts elements in the supplied permutation to a string.
loadFont(String) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText


m() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CMYKColor
makeBoundsCalculationVisitor() - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BoundsCalculationVisitor
makeCenterRadius(PApplet, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezCircle
makeCenterRadius(float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezCircle
makeCenterRadius(PApplet, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezTriangle
Returns an equilateral triangle with center xctr, yctr and distance from center to each vertex equal to radius.
makeCenterRadius(float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezTriangle
Returns an equilateral triangle with center xctr, yctr and distance from center to each vertex equal to radius.
makeCenterRadiusSectors(PApplet, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezCircle
makeCenterRadiusSectors(float, float, float, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezCircle
makeCenterRadiusSides(PApplet, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRegularPoly
Constructs a regular polygon BezShape with sides edges and radius radius.
makeCenterRadiusSides(float, float, float, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRegularPoly
Constructs a regular polygon BezShape with sides edges and radius radius.
makeCenterWidthHeight(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezEllipse
makeCenterWidthHeight(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezEllipse
makeCenterWidthHeight(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
makeCenterWidthHeight(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
makeCenterWidthHeightSectors(PApplet, float, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezEllipse
makeCenterWidthHeightSectors(float, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezEllipse
makeCoordinates(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezLine
makeCoordinates(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezLine
makeCurrentStateVisitor(PApplet) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
makeCurve(PApplet, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezCurve
Constructs a single Bˇzier curve.
makeCurve(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezCurve
Constructs a single Bˇzier curve.
makeCurvePoly(PApplet, float[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezCurveShape
Returns a multi-segment Bˇzier curve from an array of float.
makeCurvePoly(float[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezCurveShape
Returns a multi-segment Bˇzier curve from an array of float.
makeFilledShapeVisitor(int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
makeFilledStrokedShapeVisitor(int, int, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
makeFindComponentWithIDVisitor(int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.FindComponentWithIDVisitor
makeLeftTopDiameterSides(PApplet, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRegularPoly
Constructs a regular polygon BezShape with sides edges and diameter diameter that fits within a square with the given left and top and a width equal to diameter.
makeLeftTopDiameterSides(float, float, float, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRegularPoly
Constructs a regular polygon BezShape with sides edges and diameter diameter that fits within a square with the given left and top and a width equal to diameter.
makeLeftTopRadius(PApplet, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezCircle
makeLeftTopRadius(float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezCircle
makeLeftTopRadiusSectors(PApplet, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezCircle
makeLeftTopRadiusSectors(float, float, float, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezCircle
makeLeftTopRightBottom(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezEllipse
makeLeftTopRightBottom(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezEllipse
makeLeftTopRightBottom(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
makeLeftTopRightBottom(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
makeLeftTopRightBottomSectors(PApplet, float, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezEllipse
makeLeftTopRightBottomSectors(float, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezEllipse
makeLeftTopWidthHeight(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezEllipse
makeLeftTopWidthHeight(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezEllipse
makeLeftTopWidthHeight(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
makeLeftTopWidthHeight(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
makeLeftTopWidthHeightSectors(PApplet, float, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezEllipse
makeLeftTopWidthHeightSectors(float, float, float, float, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezEllipse
makeMultiCurve(PApplet, float[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezMultiCurve
Returns a multi-segment Bˇzier curve from an array of float.
makeMultiCurve(float[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezMultiCurve
Returns a multi-segment Bˇzier curve from an array of float.
makeMultiLine(PApplet, float[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezMultiLine
Constructs a multi-segment line from an array of float.
makeMultiLine(float[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezMultiLine
Constructs a multi-segment line from an array of float.
makePointAngleDistance(PApplet, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezLine
makePointAngleDistance(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezLine
makePoly(PApplet, float[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezPoly
Constructs a closed polygonal shape from an array of float.
makePoly(float[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezPoly
Constructs a closed polygonal shape from an array of float.
makePolyLineVertex(PApplet, ArrayList<LineVertex>) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezPoly
Constructs a closed polygonal shape from a list of LineVertex.
makePolyLineVertex(ArrayList<LineVertex>) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezPoly
Constructs a closed polygonal shape from a list of LineVertex.
makePolyVertex2D(PApplet, ArrayList<Vertex2DINF>) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezPoly
Constructs a closed polygonal shape from a list of Vertex2DINF.
makePolyVertex2D(ArrayList<Vertex2DINF>) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezPoly
Constructs a closed polygonal shape from a list of Vertex2DINF.
makeRectangle(BezRectangle) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
makeStrokedShapeVisitor(int, int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
makeThreePoints(PApplet, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezTriangle
Returns a triangle constructed from three points.
makeThreePoints(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezTriangle
Returns a triangle constructed from three points.
map(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
Maps a value from one range to another.
map(Vertex2DINF, BezRectangle) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
map(Vertex2DINF, BezRectangle, BezRectangle) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
matrix() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
Matrix3 - Class in net.paulhertz.geom
Maintains a 3 x 3 matrix for accumulating affine transforms (translate, scale, rotate, shear).
Matrix3(double[][]) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
instantiates a Matrix3 from a 3 x 3 array of doubles
Matrix3(Matrix3) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
instantiates a Matrix3 from the element array of another matrix3
Matrix3() - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
instantiates this Matrix3 as a unit matrix, i.e.:
matrixMultiply(Matrix3, Matrix3, Matrix3) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Multiplies together matrices a and b, returns the result in c.
matrixMultiply(double[][], double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Multiplies together matrices a and b, returns the result in c.
move(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Moves the turtle by a specified distance in the current direction (turtle angle).
moveTo(float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Handy method to translate center point (xctr, yctr) and shape to a new location.
moveTo(double, double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Moves the turtle to a specified point (x2, y2).
multiplyInRotation() - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Low level method to concatenate rotation operation gAng into internal matrix.
multiplyInScale() - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Low level method to concatenate scaling operations gSX and gSY into internal matrix.
multiplyInShear() - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Low level method to concatenate shearing operations gShX and gShY into internal matrix.
multiplyInTranslation() - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Low level method to concatenate translation operations gTX and gTY into internal matrix.
multiplyPointByNormalCTM(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Multiplies point pin by the internal matrix of this Matrix3, returns result in pout.
multiplyPointByNormalCTM(double, double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Multiplies point (x, y) by the internal matrix of this Matrix3, returns result in pout.
multiplyPointByNormalMatrix3(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, Matrix3) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Multiplies a point by a normal matrix.
multiplyPointByNormalMatrix3(double, double, Point2D.Double, Matrix3) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Multiplies a point by a normal matrix.
multiplyPointByNormalMatrix3(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, double[][]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Multiplies a point by a normal matrix.
multiplyPointByNormalMatrix3(double, double, Point2D.Double, double[][]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Multiplies a point by a normal matrix.
multiplyPointByProjCTM(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Multiplies point pin by the internal matrix of this Matrix3, returns result in pout.
multiplyPointByProjCTM(double, double, Point2D.Double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Multiplies point (x, y) by the internal matrix of this Matrix3, returns result in pout.
multiplyPointByProjMatrix3(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, Matrix3) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Multiplies a point by a projective matrix.
multiplyPointByProjMatrix3(double, double, Point2D.Double, Matrix3) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Multiplies a point by a projective matrix.
multiplyPointByProjMatrix3(Point2D.Double, Point2D.Double, double[][]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Multiplies a point by a projective matrix.
multiplyPointByProjMatrix3(double, double, Point2D.Double, double[][]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Multiplies a point by a projective matrix.


net.paulhertz.aifile - package net.paulhertz.aifile
Package net.paulhertz.aifile provides dual functionality as a display list utility in Processing and as an export tool that writes to an Adobe Illustrator 7.0 file.
net.paulhertz.geom - package net.paulhertz.geom
Package net.paulhertz.geom provides classes that handle geometric transforms.
net.paulhertz.util - package net.paulhertz.util
Package net.paulhertz.util currently provides classes that support permutations of integer arrays (such as lists of array indices) and various random number methods, including Gaussian distributions.
nextPerm() - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.Permutator
Steps to next permutation of the permutation array, returns false if the last permutation has been reached.
nextPerm(ArrayList<Integer>) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.util.Permutator
Steps to next permutation of an ArrayList of Integer, returns false if the last permutation has been reached.
nextPerm(int[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.util.Permutator
Steps to next permutation of an array of integers, returns false if the last permutation has been reached.
NONPRINTING_CLOSED - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Closed and non-printing (invisible) path operator.
NONPRINTING_OPEN - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Open and non-printing (invisible) path operator.
noTransparency(PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
If you set transparency, either set it for every object, or reset it to totally opaque by calling noTransparency.


objectType - Variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
text object type, default 0, other types unsupported as yet
OPEN_FILLED - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Open and filled path operator.
OPEN_FILLED_STROKED - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Open, filled, and stroked path operator.
OPEN_STROKED - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Open and stroked path operator.
openGroup(PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes an open group operator "u" to output.
outputString() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
overlapOutcode(BezRectangle) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
overlapOutcode(BezRectangle, BezRectangle) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
overlaps(BezRectangle, BezRectangle) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
Determines if one rectangle overlaps another rectangle
overlaps(BezRectangle) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
Determines if this rectangle overlaps a specified rectangle


paintPath(int, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Closes a series of path construction operations with the appropriate operator stored in gPathOps, {'N', 'n', 'S', 's', 'F', 'f', 'B', 'b'}.
paintPath(char, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Closes a series of path construction operations with the appropriate operator.
Palette - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Maintains a set of Processing-style colors: alpha, red, green and blue stored as 4 bytes in an 32-bit int.
Palette() - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Creates a Palette with no colors
Palette(Palette) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Creates a Palette instance from another Palette's colorSet.
paletteCMYKCell(double, double, double, double, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes CMYK color values to palette to output.
paletteCMYKCell(double[], PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes CMYK color values to palette to output.
paletteCMYKCell(CMYKColor, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes CMYK color values to palette to output.
paletteGrayCell(double, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes grayscale color value to palette to output.
paletteRGBCell(double, double, double, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes RGB color values to palette to output.
paletteRGBCell(double[], PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes RGB color values to palette.
paletteRGBCell(RGBColor, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes RGB color values to palette to output.
paragraphLeading() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
parentComponent() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
peek() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Retrieves, but does not remove, the most recently pushed turtle state, or returns null if turtleStack is empty.
penDown() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Prepares the turtle to create a trail on the next forward, backward, or move command.
penUp() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Stops drawing by the turtle and adds the current trail (if there is one) to the turtleTrails array.
Permutator - Class in net.paulhertz.util
Maintains an ArrayList of Integer initialized in ascending order, and steps it to each successive permutation.
Permutator(int) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.util.Permutator
pFontname() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
pin(BezRectangle) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
Clip the supplied rectangle to this rectangle; both rectangles should be aligned to x and y axes.
pointInPoly(int, float[], float[], float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
decides if a point is inside a polygon
pointInPoly(int, double[], double[], double, double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
PointText - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Implements an Adobe Illustrator 7.0 Point Text object with a subset of the available tags.
PointText(PApplet) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
Creates a new PointText at (0,0).
PointText() - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
PApplet used for calls to the Processing environment is obtained from IgnoCodeLib, which must be correctly initialized in setup.
PointText(PApplet, double, double, String) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
Creates a new PointText displaced (ty,ty) from the origin (0,0).
PointText(double, double, String) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
Creates a new PointText displaced (ty,ty) from the origin (0,0).
polySize(PApplet) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
polySize() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
polySteps() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Returns the number of straight line segments used in fast calculation
pop() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Retrieves and removes the most recently pushed turtle state.
psCurveTo(double, double, double, double, double, double, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes current point and "c" operator to output.
psLineTo(double, double, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes current point and "L" operator to output.
psMoveTo(double, double, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes current point and "m" operator to output.
psMoveTo(double[], PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes current point and "m" operator to output.
psMoveTo(Point2D, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes current point and "m" operator to output.
push(TurtleState) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Pushes a turtle state onto the stack.


quickGauss() - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
returns a Gaussian variable using Peitgen and Saupe's algorithm from The Science of Fractal Images
quickGauss(double, double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
returns a quick approximation to a Gaussian variable using Peitgen and Saupe's algorithm from The Science of Fractal Images


r() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.RGBColor
r - Variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
turtle radius
randColor(int[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Creates a random color from randomly selected values in an array.
randColor() - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Returns a random Processing color.
randGenerator() - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
Returns the internal random number generator.
randomElement(int[]) - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
Returns a random int from an array.
randomElement(float[]) - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
Returns a random float from an array.
randomElement(double[]) - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
Returns a random double from an array.
randomElement(ArrayList) - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
Returns a random element from a raw ArrayList.
randomInRange(int, int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
Returns a random int in a range from high to low, inclusive.
randomInRange(float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
Returns a random float in a range from high to low, inclusive.
randomInRange(double, double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
Returns a random double in a range from high to low, inclusive.
RandUtil - Class in net.paulhertz.util
Implements a few useful random number methods, maintains an internal random number generator.
RandUtil() - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
reflectCTM(boolean, double, double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
High-level method to concatenate a translation followed by a reflection on the x- or y-axis into the internal matrix of this Matrix3.
reflectCTM(boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Concatenates a reflection on the x- or y-axis into the internal matrix of this Matrix3.
reflectMatrix3(boolean, Matrix3) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Reflects a matrix about the horizontal or vertical axis.
reflectMatrix3(boolean, double[][]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Reflects a matrix about the horizontal or vertical axis.
remove(DisplayComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
remove(DisplayComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
remove(DisplayComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
Removes a component from children of this component, throws an UnsupportedOperationException if component is terminal.
remove(DisplayComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
render() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
rgb2cmyk(double, double, double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CMYKColor
Uses the standard quick and dirty direct transform of RGB to CMYK.
rgb2cmyk(int[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CMYKColor
Uses the standard quick and dirty direct transform of RGB to CMYK.
rgb2cmyk(double[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CMYKColor
Uses the standard quick and dirty direct transform of RGB to CMYK.
rgb2cmyk(RGBColor) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CMYKColor
Uses the standard quick and dirty direct transform of RGB to CMYK.
rgb2int(RGBColor) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Converts an RGBColor to a Processing color.
RGBColor - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Provides storage and conversion utilities for an RGBColor.
RGBColor(double, double, double) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.RGBColor
Instantiates an RGB color from r, g and b components represented as doubles in the range 0..1
RGBColor(int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.RGBColor
Instantiates an RGB color from r, g and b components represented as ints in the range 0..255
RGBColor(double[]) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.RGBColor
Instantiates an RGB color.
RGBColor() - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.RGBColor
Instantiates an RGB color with all components set to 0 (i.e., black)
rgbComponents(int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Breaks a Processing color into R, G and B values in an array.
right(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Turns the turtle to the right (clockwise) a specified number of radians from its current direction (turtle angle).
rotateCoor(float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
rotates a point theta radians, returns a new point rotation is counterclockwise for positive theta in Cartesian system, clockwise in screen display coordinate system
rotateCoor(double, double, double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
rotateCoor(Point2D.Float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
rotates a point theta radians, modifies and returns the point rotation is counterclockwise for positive theta in Cartesian system, clockwise in screen display coordinate system
rotateCoor(Point2D.Double, double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
rotateCoorAroundPoint(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
rotates a point theta radians around a point (xctr, yctr), returns a new point rotation is counterclockwise for positive theta in Cartesian system, clockwise in screen display coordinate system
rotateCoorAroundPoint(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
rotateCoorAroundPoint(Point2D.Float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
rotates a point theta radians around a point (xctr, yctr), modifies and returns the point rotation is counterclockwise for positive theta in Cartesian system, clockwise in screen display coordinate system
rotateCoorAroundPoint(Point2D.Double, double, double, double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
rotateCTM(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
High level method to concatenate rotation by angle radians into the internal matrix of this Matrix3.
rotateMatrix3(double, Matrix3) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Concatenates a rotation into a matrix.
rotateMatrix3(double, double[][]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Concatenates a rotation into a matrix.
rotateShape(float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
rotateShape(float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Rotates this shape around its center point.
rotateShape(float, float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Rotates this shape around a supplied center point.
roundCoordinates() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle


sayHello() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.IgnoCodeLib
scaleCoor(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
scales a point by xScale and yScale, returns a new point
scaleCoor(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
scaleCoor(Point2D.Float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
scales a point by xScale and yScale, modifies and returns the point
scaleCoor(Point2D.Double, double, double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
scaleCoorAroundPoint(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
scales a point by xScale and yScale arround a point (xctr, yctr), returns a new point
scaleCoorAroundPoint(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
scaleCoorAroundPoint(Point2D.Float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
scales a point by xScale and yScale around a point (xctr, yctr), modifies and returns the point
scaleCTM(double, double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
High level method to concatenate scaling in x and y into the internal matrix of this Matrix3.
scaleMatrix3(double, double, Matrix3) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Concatenates scaling on x and y axis into a matrix.
scaleMatrix3(double, double, double[][]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Concatenates scaling on x and y axis into a matrix.
scaleShape(float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
scaleShape(float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
scaleShape(float, float, float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
scaleShape(float, float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
scaleShape(float, float, float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Scales this shape around a given point.
scaleShape(float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Scales this shape around its center point.
scaleShape(float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Uniformly scales this shape around its center point.
scaleShape(float, float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Uniformly scales this shape around a given point.
segmentType - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
path segemnt type
segmentType() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
segmentType - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LineVertex
path segment type
segmentType() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LineVertex
segmentType() - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.Vertex2DINF
setAlignment(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setB(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.RGBColor
setBbox(Rectangle) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Sets the bounding box of this document.
setBezType(BezShape.BezType) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
setC(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CMYKColor
setCenter(float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Sets center point for geometric transforms on this shape.
setCenter(Point2D) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Sets center point for geometric transforms on this shape.
setCenter(LineVertex) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Sets the values of xctr and yctr
setCMYKFill(double, double, double, double, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes CMYK fill value and fill operator "k" to output.
setCMYKFill(double[], PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes CMYK fill value and fill operator "k" to output.
setCMYKFill(CMYKColor, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes CMYK fill value and fill operator "k" to output.
setCMYKStroke(double, double, double, double, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes CMYK stroke value and fill operator "K" to output.
setCMYKStroke(double[], PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes CMYK stroke value and fill operator "K" to output.
setCMYKStroke(CMYKColor, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes CMYK stroke value and fill operator "K" to output.
setColorIndex(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LayerComponent
Sets the color index, used in Illustrator's Layers palette.
setColors(PApplet) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Sets fill and stroke using the current graphics state.
setColors(PApplet) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
Sets fill and stroke using the current graphics state.
setCompIsFound(boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.FindComponentWithIDVisitor
setCreator(String) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Sets the document creator, used in the document header.
setCtm(Matrix3) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
setCtm(PApplet) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Captures the current transformation matrix from a PApplet and uses it to set our ctm.
setCtm(PMatrix2D) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Sets our ctm from a PMatrix2D.
setCTM(Matrix3) - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Copies the internal matrix of newCTM to the internal matrix of this Matrix3.
setCTM(double[][]) - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Copies the values in the 3x3 array elems to the internal matrix of this Matrix3.
setCTM(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Sets the values of first two columns of matrix elems.
setCurves(ArrayList<Vertex2DINF>) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
setCx1(float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
setCx2(float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
setCy1(float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
setCy2(float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
setDashPattern(double[], PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Sets the current dash pattern.
setDefaultLayer(LayerComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Sets the default layer to a user-specified layer.
setFill(double, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes grayscale fill value and fill operator "g" to output.
setFillColor(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
setFillColor(int) - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.ColorableINF
Sets the current fill color.
setFillColor(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setFillColor(RGBColor) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setFillColor(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
setFillColor(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Sets fill color of this Turtle instance.
setFillOpacity(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Sets opacity of current fill color.
setFillOpacity(int) - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.ColorableINF
Sets opacity of current fill color.
setFillOpacity(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
Sets opacity of current fill color.
setFillOpacity(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
Sets opacity of current fill color.
setFillOpacity(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Sets fill color opacity of this Turtle instance.
setFont(PFont) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
Sets the Processing font to the supplied PFont.
setFont(String, String, double, double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setFontname(String) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setFoundComp(DisplayComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.FindComponentWithIDVisitor
setG(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.RGBColor
setHasFill(boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
setHasFill(boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
setHasStroke(boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
setHasStroke(boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
setHeight(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Sets the height of this document when it is exported.
setIdToFind(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.FindComponentWithIDVisitor
setIsClosed(boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
setIsClosed(boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Sets isClosed of this Turtle instance to supplied value.
setK(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CMYKColor
setLeading(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setLeftTopRightBottom(float, float, float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
Updates rectangle coordinates, width and height.
setLeftTopWidthHeight(float, float, float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
Updates rectangle coordinates, width and height.
setLineAttributes(int, int, int, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Sets linecap and linejoin styles, sets miter limit for lines.
setLocked(boolean, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
1 A (lock) and 0 A (unlock) control locking of objects.
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
setM(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CMYKColor
setMatrix(double[]) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setMatrix(Matrix3) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
Uses a Matrix3 to set the internal matrix used by Adobe Illustrator.
setMaxTrails(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
setName(String) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LayerComponent
Sets the name of this layer.
setNeedsUpdate(boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
convenience method to allow you to flag the need for an update
setNoFill() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Equivalent to setHasFill(false).
setNoFill() - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.ColorableINF
Marks this component as having no fill.
setNoFill() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setNoFill() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
Equivalent to setHasFill(false).
setNoFill() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Sets hasFill of this Turtle instance to false.
setNoStroke() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Equivalent to setHasStroke(false).
setNoStroke() - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.ColorableINF
Marks this component as having no stroke Equivalent to setHasStroke(false), if the implementor provides a setHasStroke method
setNoStroke() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setNoStroke() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
Equivalent to setHasStroke(false).
setNoStroke() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Sets hasStroke of this Turtle instance to false.
setOrg(String) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Sets the org (organization), used in the document header.
setPalette(Palette) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Sets the palette associated with this document.
setParagraphLeading(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setParentComponent(DisplayComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
Sets the parent component of this component to the supplied component.
setPenDown(boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.TurtleState
setPerm(ArrayList<Integer>) - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.Permutator
Set the permutation array to the supplied ArrayList of Integer.
setPFontname(String) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setPolySteps(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
setR(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.RGBColor
setRandGenerator(Random) - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
Sets the internal random number generator to the supplied instance of Random.
setRandSeed(long) - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
Sets the seed value for the internal random number generator.
setRender(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
Sets the render mode of text, generally safe to stick with the default 0, or with 1 or 2.
setRGBFill(double, double, double, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes RGB fill value and fill operator "Xa" to output.
setRGBFill(double[], PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes RGB fill value and fill operator "Xa" to output.
setRGBFill(RGBColor, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes RGB fill value and fill operator "Xa" to output.
setRGBStroke(double, double, double, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes RGB stroke value and fill operator "XA" to output.
setRGBStroke(double[], PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes RGB stroke value and fill operator "XA" to output.
setRGBStroke(RGBColor, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes RGB stroke value and fill operator "XA" to output.
setRotation(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Low level method to set gAng, used internally.
setScale(double, double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Low level method to set gSX and gSY, used internally.
setShear(double, double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Low level method to set gShX and gShY, used internally.
setSize(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setStartPoint(LineVertex) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
setStartPoint(Point2D) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Sets a new initial vertex for this BezShape.
setStartPoint(float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Sets a new initial vertex for this BezShape.
setStartPt(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setStroke(double, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes grayscale stroke value and stroke operator "G" to output.
setStrokeColor(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
setStrokeColor(int) - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.ColorableINF
Sets the current stroke color.
setStrokeColor(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setStrokeColor(RGBColor) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setStrokeColor(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
setStrokeColor(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Sets stroke color of this Turtle instance.
setStrokeOpacity(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Sets opacity of current stroke color.
setStrokeOpacity(int) - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.ColorableINF
Sets opacity of current stroke color.
setStrokeOpacity(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
Sets opacity of current stroke color.
setStrokeOpacity(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
Sets opacity of current stroke color.
setStrokeOpacity(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Sets opacity value of stroke color of this Turtle instance.
setTagIdentifier(String) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
Sets key used to identify custom data.
setTagValue(String) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
setText(String) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setTitle(String) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Set the document title, used in the document header.
setTranslation(double, double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Low level method to set gTX and gTY, used internally.
setTransparency(double, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes current opacity to an Illustrator file (not part of the AI7 spec).
setTurtleAngle(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Sets the orientation of the turtle by divine intervention.
setTurtleAngle(PVector) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Sets the orientation of the turtle from a supplied PVector.
setTurtleAngle(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.TurtleState
setTurtleAngle(PVector) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.TurtleState
setTurtleVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.TurtleState
setTurtleX(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Sets the x-coordinate of the turtle by divine intervention.
setTurtleX(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.TurtleState
setTurtleY(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Sets the y-coordinate of the turtle by divine intervention.
setTurtleY(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.TurtleState
setTx(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setTy(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setUseTransparency(boolean) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Pass a value of true to enable transparency when exporting to Adobe Illustrator, default is false.
setUseTransparency(boolean) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Deprecated. preferred usage is AIFileWriter.setUseTransparency().
setUseTransparency(boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Set verbose to true to get some debugging information, default is false
setVisible(boolean, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
As of AI 10, visibility of objects is set by 0 Xw (show) and 1 Xw (hide).
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
setWeight(double, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes weight (in points) and weight operator "w" to output.
setWeight(float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
setWeight(float) - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.ColorableINF
setWeight(float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
setWeight(float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
setWeight(float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Sets value of stroke weight of this Turtle instance.
setWidth(int) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Sets the width of this document when it is exported.
setX(float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Sets the x-coordinate of the initial point of the geometry of this shape.
setX(float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
setX(float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LineVertex
setY(float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Sets the y-coordinate of the initial point of the geometry of this shape.
setY(float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
setY(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CMYKColor
setY(float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LineVertex
sgn(double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
take binary sign of a, either -1, or 1 if >= 0
sgn(float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
take binary sign of a, either -1, or 1 if >= 0
sgn(int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
take binary sign of a, either -1, or 1 if >= 0
sgn(long) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
take binary sign of a, either -1, or 1 if >= 0
ShapeAttributeVisitor - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
shearCTM(double, double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Concatenates a shear on the x and y axes into the internal matrix of this Matrix3.
shearMatrix3(double, double, Matrix3) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Shears a matrix.
shearMatrix3(double, double, double[][]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Shears a matrix.
show() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
Sets the isVisible attribute of this component to true.
show() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Gets ready to show the turtle as an oriented triangle on the next draw command.
shuffle(int[]) - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
Shuffles an array of integers into random order.
shuffle(float[]) - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
Shuffles an array of floats into random order.
shuffle(double[]) - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
Shuffles an array of doubles into random order.
shuffle(ArrayList<Object>) - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.RandUtil
Shuffles an ArrayList into random order.
size() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
size() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns number of elements in the turtleTrails array.
stackSize() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns the number of elements in the turtle state stack.
startPt() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
startVertex() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
startVertexArray() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
return initial vertex as an array of two floats
stick(BezRectangle) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
Stick the nearest edge of this rectangle to limitRect, if it doesn't overlap.
STROKE - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Binary flag for stroked path operators.
strokeColor() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
strokeColor() - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.ColorableINF
strokeColor() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
strokeColor() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
strokeColor() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns current stroke color.
strokeOpacity() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
strokeOpacity() - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.ColorableINF
strokeOpacity() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
strokeOpacity() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
strokeOpacity() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns opacity component of current stroke color, in the range 0..255.


tagIdentifier() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
tagValue() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
Sets the value of custom data.
text() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
textObject(PointText, PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes the tag structure for a PointText instance to output.
toString() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
toString() - Method in class net.paulhertz.util.Permutator
trailSize() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns number of vertices in the current trail.
transform(Matrix3) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
transform(Matrix3) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Performs an affine geometric transformation on this shape using 3x3 matrix multiplication.
transform() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Calls transform with this shape's ctm, current transformation matrix.
transform(Matrix3) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
transform(Matrix3) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
Transforms geometry of shapes and location of text using the supplied matrix.
transform(Matrix3) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
transform(Matrix3) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.GroupComponent
transform(Matrix3) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LayerComponent
transform(Matrix3) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
Illustrator will display the transformed text.
transformList(ArrayList<Point2D.Double>) - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Transforms a list of points by current transformation matrix.
transformShape(Matrix3) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
translateCoor(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
translates a point by xOffset and yOffset, returns a new point
translateCoor(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
translateCoor(Point2D.Float, float, float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
translates a point by xOffset and yOffset, modifies and returns the point
translateCoor(Point2D.Double, double, double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
translateCTM(double, double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
High level method to concatenate translation in x and y into the internal matrix of this Matrix3.
translateMatrix3(double, double, Matrix3) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Concatenates translations on x and y axis into a matrix.
translateMatrix3(double, double, double[][]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Concatenates translations on x and y axis into a matrix.
translateShape(float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
translateShape(float, float) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Translates this shape.
transposeMatrix3(Matrix3, Matrix3) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Transposes matrix a, returns the result in matrix b.
transposeMatrix3(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.Matrix3
Transposes matrix a, returns the result in matrix b.
turn(double) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Turns the turtle a specified number of radians from its current direction (turtle angle).
Turtle - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Implements a basic 2D TurtleGraphics command set that can be used to draw shapes in Processing and export them to Adobe Illustrator.
Turtle(PApplet) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Instantiates a Turtle facing right in the center of Processing's display, ready to draw (pen down).
Turtle(double, double) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Instantiates a Turtle facing right in the center of Processing's display, ready to draw (pen down).
Turtle() - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Instantiates a Turtle facing right in the center of Processing's display, ready to draw (pen down).
Turtle(PApplet, double, double) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Instantiates a Turtle facing right at coordinates (x, y), ready to draw (pen down).
TurtleState - Class in net.paulhertz.aifile
Stores and manages state of a Turtle: location, angle, pen state, visibility.
TurtleState() - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.TurtleState
TurtleState(TurtleState) - Constructor for class net.paulhertz.aifile.TurtleState
turtleVector() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.TurtleState
Returns turtle angle as a normalized PVector.
TWO_PI - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
TWOPI - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
useful constant
tx() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
ty() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText


update() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
Updates local tracking of rectangle top, left, bottom, right, width and height.
useTransparency() - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
useTransparency() - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
useTransparency() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape.BezType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape.BezType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VERSION - Static variable in class net.paulhertz.aifile.IgnoCodeLib
version() - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.IgnoCodeLib
return the version of the library.
Vertex2DINF - Interface in net.paulhertz.aifile
Interface for line and curve vertices.
Visitable - Interface in net.paulhertz.aifile
Interface for display components that implement the Visitor design pattern.
visitBezShape(BezShape) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BoundsCalculationVisitor
visits a BezShape node
visitBezShape(BezShape) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ComponentVisitor
visits a BezShape node
visitBezShape(BezShape) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.FindComponentWithIDVisitor
visitBezShape(BezShape) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
visits a BezShape node
visitCustomComponent(CustomComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ComponentVisitor
visits a CustomComponent node
visitCustomComponent(CustomComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.FindComponentWithIDVisitor
visitDocumentComponent(DocumentComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ComponentVisitor
visits a DocumentComponent node
visitDocumentComponent(DocumentComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.FindComponentWithIDVisitor
visitGroupComponent(GroupComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ComponentVisitor
visits a GroupComponent node
visitGroupComponent(GroupComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.FindComponentWithIDVisitor
visitLayerComponent(LayerComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ComponentVisitor
visits a LayerComponent node
visitLayerComponent(LayerComponent) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.FindComponentWithIDVisitor
visitPointText(PointText) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ComponentVisitor
visits a PointText node
visitPointText(PointText) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.FindComponentWithIDVisitor


weight() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Returns the current weight (in points) of stroked lines.
weight() - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.ColorableINF
Returns the current weight (in points) of stroked lines.
weight() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
weight() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.ShapeAttributeVisitor
Returns the current weight (in points) of stroked lines.
weight() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Returns weight of current stroke.
wrap(BezRectangle) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRectangle
Wrap supplied rectangle in the smallest rectangle that contains it and this rectangle; Both rectangles should be aligned.
write(PrintWriter) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Writes Adobe Illustrator 7.0 tags describing the geometry of this shape to PrintWriter.
write(int, PrintWriter) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Writes Adobe Illustrator 7.0 tags describing the geometry of this shape to PrintWriter.
write(PrintWriter) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
write(PrintWriter) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CustomComponent
write(PrintWriter) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
Writes an Adobe Illustrator 7.0 file format encoding structure, geometry and text.
write(PrintWriter) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
write(PrintWriter) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.GroupComponent
write(PrintWriter) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LayerComponent
write(PrintWriter) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LineVertex
write(PrintWriter) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Palette
Writes this Palette in Adobe Illustrator file format.
write(PrintWriter) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.PointText
write(PrintWriter) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.Turtle
Writes the geometry of all trails, both those saved in turtleTrails and the current trail, in Adobe Illustrator 7.0 format, to the file or output stream specified.
write(PrintWriter) - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.Vertex2DINF
Writes a path segment to file.
writeDisplayList(PrintWriter) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Writes all the children of this document.
writeDisplayList(ArrayList<DisplayComponent>, PrintWriter) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Writes display list (middle) portion of an Adobe Illustrator file.
writeDisplayListWithTransform(ArrayList<DisplayComponent>, PrintWriter) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Writes display list (middle) portion of an Adobe Illustrator file.
writeHeader(PrintWriter, String) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes an abbreviated Adobe Illustrator header to a PrintWriter.
writeHeader(PrintWriter, String, String, String, int, int, Rectangle) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes an abbreviated Adobe Illustrator header with user-supplied arguments to a PrintWriter.
writeHeader(PrintWriter) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Writes header portion of an Adobe Illustrator file, including palette.
writeNoTransform(PrintWriter) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
writeState(PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes Adobe Illustrator 3.0 initial graphics state.
writeTrailer(PrintWriter) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.AIFileWriter
Writes Adobe Illustrator 3.0 abbreviated trailer.
writeTrailer(PrintWriter) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Writes trailer portion of an Adobe Illustrator file, flushes and closes output.
writeWithAITransform(PrintWriter) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.DocumentComponent
Writes the document hierarchy to the supplied file.


x() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Returns the x-coordinate of the initial point of the geometry of this shape.
x() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
x() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LineVertex
x() - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.Vertex2DINF
xcoords(PApplet) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Returns x-coordinates of the geometry of this shape.
xcoords() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
xCoords(float[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
extracts array of x-coordinates from an array of points in x,y order
xCoords(double[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
xctr() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Returns the value of the x-coordinate of center of transformation.
xMax() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BoundsCalculationVisitor
xMin() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BoundsCalculationVisitor


y() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Returns the y-coordinate of the initial point of the geometry of this shape.
y() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezVertex
y() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.CMYKColor
y() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.LineVertex
y() - Method in interface net.paulhertz.aifile.Vertex2DINF
ycoords(PApplet) - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Returns y-coordinates of the geometry of this shape.
ycoords() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
yCoords(float[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
extracts array of y-coordinates from an array of points in x,y order
yCoords(double[]) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
yctr() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Returns the of the y-coordinate of center of transformation.
yMax() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BoundsCalculationVisitor
yMin() - Method in class net.paulhertz.aifile.BoundsCalculationVisitor


zsgn(double) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
take sign of a, either -1, 0, or 1
zsgn(float) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
take sign of a, either -1, 0, or 1
zsgn(int) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
take sign of a, either -1, 0, or 1
zsgn(long) - Static method in class net.paulhertz.geom.GeomUtils
take sign of a, either -1, 0, or 1


Processing library IgnoCodeLib by Paul Hertz. (C) 2013