Class BezRegularPoly

  extended by net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
      extended by net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
          extended by net.paulhertz.aifile.BezRegularPoly
All Implemented Interfaces:
ColorableINF, Visitable

public class BezRegularPoly
extends BezShape

Provides factory methods to construct a regular polygonal shape consisting of straight lines.

 * for IgnoCodeLib version 0.3.x and above
 * January 29, 2012 3:54:19 PM CST
 * Updated June 25, 2013 for IgonoCodeLib 0.3 release, not compatible with earlier versions.
 * Demonstrates calls for creating polygons. Shows how to drag a shape and snap it 
 * to a grid. Demonstrates calls to {@code makeCurrentStateVisitor()} and {@code makeBoundsCalculationVisitor()}.

import net.paulhertz.aifile.*;
import net.paulhertz.util.*;
import java.util.*;

/** irregular polygon list */
public ArrayList irregulars;
/** regular polygon list */
public ArrayList regulars;
/** grid points list */
public ArrayList grid;
/** random number utility */
public RandUtil rando;
/** how many grid steps horizontally */
int hzSteps = 8;
/** how many grid steps vertically */
int vtSteps;
/** size of a step in pixels */
float step;
/** background fill color */
int bgFillColor = Palette.composeColor(127);
/** shape that is selected for dragging */
BezShape selectedShape;
/** true if we should snap dragged shapes to the grid */
boolean snapToGrid = false;
/** the document for saving shapes */
public DocumentComponent document;
/** layer for shapes */
LayerComponent shapeLayer;
/** layer for grid */
LayerComponent gridLayer;
/** group for regular polygons */
GroupComponent regularGroup;
/** group for irregular */
GroupComponent irregularGroup;
/** group for grid points (circles) */
GroupComponent gridGroup;
/** bounding box for irregular shapes */
BezRectangle box;
/** IgnoCodeLib library */
IgnoCodeLib igno;

public void setup() {
  size(800, 600);
  // calculate grid steps
  step = width/hzSteps;
  vtSteps = (int) Math.floor(height/step);
  // Set up the library, which will store a reference to the host PApplet 
  // for other classes in the library to use.
  igno = new IgnoCodeLib(this);
  // initialize arrays of BezShapes
  irregulars = new ArrayList();
  regulars = new ArrayList();
  grid = new ArrayList();
  // create a random number generator
  rando = new RandUtil();
  // create polygons and put them into arrays
  // create the vidible grid
  // create the document and build its layers

void printHelp() {
  // message to the user
  println("\nType 's' to save");
  println("Press and drag with the mouse to move a polygon");
  println("Hold down shift key to snap polygon to grid");
  println("Type 'x' or 'z' to change appearance of grid");
  println("Type 'v' or 'V' to show/hide grid");
  println("Type 'b' to show bounds of irregular polygons.");
  println("Type 'h' to print this help message.");

public void draw() {
  // this is one way to draw:
  // step through lists and tell each shape to draw itself
  for (BezShape sh : regulars) {
  for (BezShape sh : irregulars) {
  for (BezShape sh : grid) {
  // but since we have put all the geometry into the document, 
  // we can draw it with one simple call
  // if there is a shape selected, move the it the distance between the 
  // current mouse position and the previous mouse position
  if (mousePressed) {
    if (null != selectedShape) {
      float tx = mouseX - pmouseX;
      float ty = mouseY - pmouseY;
      selectedShape.translateShape(tx, ty);

/* We use this overridden method to check if the mouse is pressed inside a shape.
 * We do this by stepping through the lists to see if the mouse point is inside one of them.
 * It's a brute force approach, but with so few shapes it will work quickly enough.
public void mousePressed() {
  float x = mouseX;
  float y = mouseY;
  for (BezShape sh : regulars) {
    if (sh.containsPoint(x, y)) {
      selectedShape = sh;
  for (BezShape sh : irregulars) {
    if (sh.containsPoint(x, y)) {
      selectedShape = sh;
  selectedShape = null;

/* We use this overridden method to decide if we should relocate a shape
 * and if it should snap to the grid or not.
public void mouseReleased() {
  snapToGrid = false;
  // check if the shift key is down
  if (keyPressed && key == CODED) {
    if (keyCode == SHIFT) {
      snapToGrid = true;
  // if a shape was selected and snapToGrid is true, snap it to grid
  if (null != selectedShape) {
    if (snapToGrid) {
      if (selectedShape.bezType() == BezShape.BezType.BEZ_REGULAR_POLY) {
        // snap center to grid
        LineVertex pt = selectedShape.centerVertex();
        LineVertex snap = closestGridPoint(pt);
        selectedShape.translateShape(snap.x() - pt.x(), snap.y() - pt.y());
      else if (selectedShape.bezType() == BezShape.BezType.BEZ_POLY) {
        // snap start point to grid
        LineVertex pt = selectedShape.startVertex();
        LineVertex snap = closestGridPoint(pt);
        selectedShape.translateShape(snap.x() - pt.x(), snap.y() - pt.y());
  snapToGrid = false;

/*  We use this overridden method to catch key presses used as commands.
public void keyReleased() {
  if (key == 's' || key == 'S') {
    // save file, put shapes in two layers
    String filename = "";
    saveAI(filename, document);
    println("saved" + "");
  else if (key == 'x' || key == 'X') {
    // use a visitor to change the grid group's attributes to a random fill color and a white stroke
    ShapeAttributeVisitor visitor = ShapeAttributeVisitor.makeCurrentStateVisitor(this);
  else if (key == 'z' || key == 'Z') {
    // use a visitor to change the grid group's attributes to no stroke and fill of 240
    ShapeAttributeVisitor visitor = ShapeAttributeVisitor.makeCurrentStateVisitor(this);
  else if (key == 'v' || key == 'V') {
  else if (key == 'b' || key == 'B') {
    // calculate irregular polygons bounding box with a visitor and show it
    BoundsCalculationVisitor visitor = BoundsCalculationVisitor.makeBoundsCalculationVisitor();
    if  (null != box) {
      boolean gone = document.getDefaultLayer().remove(box); 
      println("removed box = "+ gone);
    box = visitor.bounds();
  else if (key == 'h' || key == 'H') {

 * create some regular polygons
private void createRegularPolys() {
  int totalPolys = hzSteps;
  int[] sidesValues = new int[totalPolys];
  for (int i = 0; i < totalPolys; i++) {
    sidesValues[i] = 3 + i;
  float halfstep = 0.5f * step;
  float radius = step * 0.4f;
  float xctr;
  float yctr = step + halfstep;
  for (int i = 0; i < totalPolys; i++) {
    xctr = halfstep + i * step;
    strokeWeight(rando.randomInRange(1, 5));
    BezRegularPoly regPoly = BezRegularPoly.makeCenterRadiusSides(xctr, yctr, radius, sidesValues[i]);

 * create some irregular polygons that use grid points
 * we do this by first creating a list of grid points and then 
 * copying points from it to the polygons. 
private void createPolys() {
  // our grid is shifted a half step over and down
  float halfstep = 0.5f * step;
  float xctr;
  float yctr;
  ArrayList points = new ArrayList();
  // just list grid points below the row of regualr polygons
  for (int column = 2; column < vtSteps; column++) {
    yctr = halfstep + column * step;
    for (int row = 0; row < hzSteps; row++) {
      xctr = halfstep + row * step;
      points.add(new LineVertex(xctr, yctr));
  fill(32, 0, 216);
  // a list to store our polygon points in
  ArrayList poly = new ArrayList();
  // put some points into the list
  // avoid trouble: clone the points, do not pass references to them
  // note that first and last points must be the same
  // clear the list and add some new points to it
  fill(216, 80, 32);
  poly.add(points.get(hzSteps + 2).clone());
  poly.add(points.get(hzSteps + hzSteps + 3).clone());
  poly.add(points.get(hzSteps + 4).clone());
  poly.add(points.get(hzSteps + 3).clone());
  poly.add(points.get(hzSteps + 2).clone());
  // clear the list and add some new points to it
  fill(216, 199, 55);
  poly.add(points.get(2 * hzSteps).clone());
  poly.add(points.get(hzSteps + 1).clone());
  poly.add(points.get(2 * hzSteps + 2).clone());
  poly.add(points.get(2 * hzSteps + 1).clone());
  poly.add(points.get(3 * hzSteps + 2).clone());
  poly.add(points.get(3 * hzSteps + 1).clone());
  poly.add(points.get(2 * hzSteps).clone());
  // get a deep copy of the last polygon we added
  BezShape sh = irregulars.get(irregulars.size() - 1).clone();
  // call calculateCenter to make all transforms operate on the center of the shape
  sh.translateShape(4 * step, 0);

 * Creates a regular grid.
private void createGrid() {
  // create a regular grid
  float halfstep = 0.5f * step;
  float xctr;
  float yctr;
  for (int i = 0; i < vtSteps; i++) {
    yctr = halfstep + i * step;
    for (int j = 0; j < hzSteps; j++) {
      xctr = halfstep + j * step;
      BezCircle circ = BezCircle.makeCenterRadius(xctr, yctr, 2);

 * Returns the closest grid point to a supplied LineVertex (i.e., a point)
 * @param vtx   a point stored as a LineVertex
 * @return      closet grid point as a LineVertex
public LineVertex closestGridPoint(LineVertex vtx) {
  double halfstep = step/2.0;
  // get nearest x in a halfstep grid to the left
  double x = Math.floor(vtx.x() / halfstep) * halfstep;
  // get nearest y in a halfstep grid to the top
  double y = Math.floor(vtx.y() / halfstep) * halfstep;
  int mx = (int) (x / halfstep) % 2;
  int my = (int) (y / halfstep) % 2;
  // if mx or my is even, that indicates that x or y is not on the grid
  // but at a position half a step away from the grid
  if (0 == mx) {
    x += halfstep;
  if (0 == my) {
    y += halfstep;
  return new LineVertex((float) x, (float) y);

 * Builds a document hierarchy with layers and groups for the lists of shapes we created.
 * The document will act as a display list. We just have to call its draw() or write()
 * methods to draw it to the screen or write it to a file. 
public void createDocument() {
  document = new DocumentComponent("Regular and Irregular Polygons");
  // get lots of feedback as we save
  Palette pal = document.getPalette();
  shapeLayer = new LayerComponent("Shapes");
  BezRectangle rect = BezRectangle.makeLeftTopWidthHeight(0, 0, width, height);
  regularGroup = new GroupComponent(this);
  irregularGroup = new GroupComponent(this);
  gridLayer = new LayerComponent("Grid");
  gridGroup = new GroupComponent();
  // lock the gridLayer 

 * Saves a document in Adobe Illustrator 7.0 format, transforming it into AI coordinate system.
 * @param aiFilename   name of the file
 * @param doc          a DocumentComponent to save
private void saveAI(String aiFilename, DocumentComponent doc) {
  PrintWriter output = createWriter(aiFilename);
  // In IgnoCodeLib 0.3, write(output) now performs a transform
  // to make the saved file's orientation identical to the display, the same as
  // writeWithAITransform. Call writeNoTransform to omit the transform.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
Method Summary
static BezRegularPoly makeCenterRadiusSides(float xctr, float yctr, float radius, int sides)
          Constructs a regular polygon BezShape with sides edges and radius radius.
static BezRegularPoly makeCenterRadiusSides(PApplet parent, float xctr, float yctr, float radius, int sides)
          Constructs a regular polygon BezShape with sides edges and radius radius.
static BezRegularPoly makeLeftTopDiameterSides(float left, float top, float diameter, int sides)
          Constructs a regular polygon BezShape with sides edges and diameter diameter that fits within a square with the given left and top and a width equal to diameter.
static BezRegularPoly makeLeftTopDiameterSides(PApplet parent, float left, float top, float diameter, int sides)
          Constructs a regular polygon BezShape with sides edges and diameter diameter that fits within a square with the given left and top and a width equal to diameter.
Methods inherited from class net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape
accept, accept, add, add, append, append, append, asPolygon, asPolygon, asPolygon, asPolygon, bezCircle, bezCurve, bezCurveShape, bezEllipse, bezLine, bezMultiCurve, bezMultiLine, bezPoly, bezRectangle, bezRegularPoly, bezTriangle, bezTriangle, bezType, bounds, bounds, boundsRect, calculateCenter, centerVertex, children, clone, containsPoint, containsPoint, curveIterator, curves, curvesCopy, draw, draw, drawQuick, fillColor, fillOpacity, get, getAnchorCenter, getBoundsCenter, getCoords, getCtm, getGeoCenter, getMatrix, hasFill, hasStroke, isClosed, isTerminal, iterator, moveTo, polySize, polySize, polySteps, remove, rotateShape, rotateShape, scaleShape, scaleShape, scaleShape, scaleShape, setBezType, setCenter, setCenter, setCenter, setColors, setCtm, setCtm, setCtm, setCurves, setFillColor, setFillOpacity, setHasFill, setHasStroke, setIsClosed, setNoFill, setNoStroke, setPolySteps, setStartPoint, setStartPoint, setStartPoint, setStrokeColor, setStrokeOpacity, setUseTransparency, setWeight, setX, setY, startVertex, startVertexArray, strokeColor, strokeOpacity, transform, transform, transformShape, translateShape, useTransparency, weight, write, write, x, xcoords, xcoords, xctr, y, ycoords, ycoords, yctr
Methods inherited from class net.paulhertz.aifile.DisplayComponent
hide, id, isLocked, isVisible, parentComponent, setLocked, setParentComponent, setVisible, show
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static BezRegularPoly makeCenterRadiusSides(PApplet parent,
                                                   float xctr,
                                                   float yctr,
                                                   float radius,
                                                   int sides)
Constructs a regular polygon BezShape with sides edges and radius radius. Fill, stroke, and weight are set from their values in the Processing environment. The shape will be closed and consist only of straight lines.

parent - a PApplet hosting the geometry
xctr - x-coordinate of center of polygon
yctr - y-coordinate of center of polygon
radius - the radius of a circumscribed circle
sides - the number of sides
a closed regular polygon of type BezShape.BEZ_REGULAR_POLY


public static BezRegularPoly makeCenterRadiusSides(float xctr,
                                                   float yctr,
                                                   float radius,
                                                   int sides)
Constructs a regular polygon BezShape with sides edges and radius radius. Fill, stroke, and weight are set from their values in the Processing environment. The shape will be closed and consist only of straight lines. PApplet used for calls to the Processing environment is obtained from IgnoCodeLib, which must be correctly initialized in setup. If IgnoCodeLib does not have a reference to a PApplet, it throws a NullPointerException.

xctr - x-coordinate of center of polygon
yctr - y-coordinate of center of polygon
radius - the radius of a circumscribed circle
sides - the number of sides
a closed regular polygon of type BezShape.BEZ_REGULAR_POLY


public static BezRegularPoly makeLeftTopDiameterSides(PApplet parent,
                                                      float left,
                                                      float top,
                                                      float diameter,
                                                      int sides)
Constructs a regular polygon BezShape with sides edges and diameter diameter that fits within a square with the given left and top and a width equal to diameter. Fill, stroke, and weight are set from their values in the Processing environment. The shape will be closed and consist only of straight lines.

parent - a PApplet hosting the geometry
left - x-coordinate of top left corner of square bounds
top - y-coordinate of top left corner of square bounds
diameter - the width/height of square bounds
sides - the number of sides
a closed regular polygon of type BezShape.BEZ_REGULAR_POLY


public static BezRegularPoly makeLeftTopDiameterSides(float left,
                                                      float top,
                                                      float diameter,
                                                      int sides)
Constructs a regular polygon BezShape with sides edges and diameter diameter that fits within a square with the given left and top and a width equal to diameter. Fill, stroke, and weight are set from their values in the Processing environment. The shape will be closed and consist only of straight lines. PApplet used for calls to the Processing environment is obtained from IgnoCodeLib, which must be correctly initialized in setup. If IgnoCodeLib does not have a reference to a PApplet, it throws a NullPointerException.

left - x-coordinate of top left corner of square bounds
top - y-coordinate of top left corner of square bounds
diameter - the width/height of square bounds
sides - the number of sides
a closed regular polygon of type BezShape.BEZ_REGULAR_POLY

Processing library IgnoCodeLib by Paul Hertz. (C) 2013