Deprecated API

Deprecated Methods
net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape.bezCircle(PApplet, float, float, float, int)
          Call factory methods in the returned class instead. 
net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape.bezCurve(PApplet, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float)
          Call factory methods in the returned class instead. 
net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape.bezCurveShape(PApplet, float[])
          Call factory methods in the returned class instead. 
net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape.bezEllipse(PApplet, float, float, float, float, int)
          Call factory methods in the returned class instead. 
net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape.bezLine(PApplet, float, float, float, float)
          Call factory methods in the returned class instead. 
net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape.bezMultiCurve(PApplet, float[])
          Call factory methods in the returned class instead. 
net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape.bezMultiLine(PApplet, float[])
          Call factory methods in the returned class instead. 
net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape.bezPoly(PApplet, float[])
          Call factory methods in the returned class instead. 
net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape.bezRectangle(PApplet, float, float, float, float)
          Call factory methods in the returned class instead. 
net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape.bezRegularPoly(PApplet, float, float, float, int)
          Call factory methods in the returned class instead. 
net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape.bezTriangle(PApplet, float, float, float)
          Call factory methods in the returned class instead. 
net.paulhertz.aifile.BezShape.bezTriangle(PApplet, float, float, float, float, float, float)
          Call factory methods in the returned class instead. 
          preferred usage is AIFileWriter.setUseTransparency(). 

Processing library IgnoCodeLib by Paul Hertz. (C) 2013