Package net.paulhertz.geom

Package net.paulhertz.geom provides classes that handle geometric transforms.


Class Summary
GeomUtils Provides static methods for basic geometric transforms.
Matrix3 Maintains a 3 x 3 matrix for accumulating affine transforms (translate, scale, rotate, shear).

Package net.paulhertz.geom Description

Package net.paulhertz.geom provides classes that handle geometric transforms. The Matrix3 class provides extensive methods for performing geometric transforms of coordinate points through matrix multiplication. The GeomUtils class provides methods to rotate, scale, and translate coordinate points. In some situations, its methods may be faster than matrix mulitplication, but they lack the generality provided by matrix methods. Two additional classes, Turtle and TurtleState supply a basic TurtleGraphics capability.

Processing library IgnoCodeLib by Paul Hertz. (C) 2013